
Welcome to my artistic world. Here, you will discover a creative practice shaped by three fundamental principles:

  • Aligning my creative intentions with the forces of nature, following the phenomena I observe and feel;
  • Embracing the properties of the painting medium, treating it as an environment containing all the necessary and sufficient elements to create an image. This environment’s potential requires minimal intervention to transform it into the phenomenon known as a painting;
  • Striking a balance between intuition and the subconscious, and a logical, analytical approach in choosing my means of expression and methods of work. This allows chance and spontaneous gestures to play an equal role with carefully thought-out and consistently executed compositional plans.

In adhering to these principles, I feel that the images that emerge, unpacked from tubes and containers of paint, pre-existed as forces gathered within my cells and as energy dispersed in space. This belief reinforces my conviction that painting is about uncovering natural phenomena, and that a painting, being part of nature, is an image of nature itself—an image of itself.

Explore my work and join me in this journey of discovery.

About me

I graduated in 1989 from the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, studying under Prof. Stefan Gierowski. I also completed a thesis in the studio of mural painting and monumental techniques with Prof. Ryszard Wojciechowski and Prof. Edward Tarkowski, and in the studio of painting technology with Prof. Marzanna Wróblewska. I have been a scholarship recipient from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage and the city of Szczecin.

As the founder of the „Odra ZOO” Foundation, I have worked to support artists and curated over 50 exhibitions at the Odra Zoo Gallery in Szczecin from 2011 to 2013. My work spans painting, drawing, sculpture, and textiles, and I create objects and installations that incorporate painting, sound, interdisciplinary projects, and video art.

Currently, I work at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, leading the Studio of Alternative Imaging Methods at the Faculty of Graphics and the Studio of Painting and Drawing Technology at the Faculty of Painting.


My paintings are characterized by a wide use of color and texture. My abstract compositions are both dynamic and organic, with forms that seem to evolve and transform over time.

One of my signature techniques involves using custom-prepared tools to create specific forms, structures, and shapes within my paintings. This approach imparts a sense of energy and tension, making the works appear almost as natural phenomena, seamlessly integrating with the natural world.

Visit my paintings gallery ->


I am always interested in connecting with fellow artists, curators, and art enthusiasts.

For inquiries regarding exhibitions, collaborations, sale, please reach out to me at:

Email: osmycki@gmail.com

Address: Academy of Art, pl. Orła Białego 2, 70-562 Szczecin, Poland

Feel free to follow my artistic journey and latest projects on social media:

Instagram: @osmycki
Facebook: Maciej Osmycki

I look forward to hearing from you